New LEGO Mindstorms Community Blogs

Not to take anything away from our friends over at, but there a couple of other cool new blogs dedicated to the just-released LEGO Mindstorms NXT system that you might want to add to your feeds if you’re a LEGO bot enthusiast.

Nxtasy (we won’t make any snarky comments about their name) has a look and feel, and content, similar to Nxtbot. They seem to be more focused on the nuts and bolts of Mindstorms and less on the field of hobby robotics and R&D in general. They have projects, complete with code, building instructions, and videos of bot demos and vid news items about Mindstorms.

The Mindstorms NXT Review has similar content to both Nxtbot and Nxtasy, with a design that makes it kind of hard to read. Not sure yet whether this one is worth regular visits or not. Of all three blogs, Nxtasy seems to have the most frequent updates and the juciest content, and their content is all-LEGO, while Nxtbot covers all types of bots.

Mindstorms Easter Egg Bonus: There’s a hidden video, an NXT commercial, on the front page of the official Mindstorms site. Click on the word “do!” at the end of the “What is NXT?” section. It’ll take you to the vid of their mascot bot (that Johnny5 wannabe) playing soccer. It’s not the real bot, it’s an animation and he’s doing things no NXT could ever do, which is kind of ironic ’cause it’s hidden behind the words “can do.” [Via Mindstorms NXT Review]