Mad On Video Games

Last September’s Mad magazine had a hysterical piece on the “50 Worst Things About Video Games.” The copyright-defying fiends over at Destructoid have put up page scans of the entire article. Some of our faves:

* Game designers who can’t understand why more women don’t play video games, especially since they feature such outstanding female role models as a globetrotting archeologist (with big boobs), world-class volleyball champions (with big boobs), and of course, easily murdered hookers (with big boobs).

* Video game magazines that spend months hyping a game as the second coming, lavishing it with praise and eagerly counting down to its release date, only to dismiss it when it comes out as third-rate, over-hyped crap.

* Racing through the Grand Canyon in a super-charged 350Z with ARC spoilers and HKS turbochargers… then turning off Gran Turismo 4 and driving to work in your 1988 Honda Civic with AM/FM radio and manual windows.

* Donkey Konga, which combines the ‘60s-era art of bongo drumming with none of the mind-bending hallucinogens that made it tolerable in the first place.