43 Folders “Life Hacks” Wiki

The getting things done gurus over at 43 Folder have just put up a Wiki for collecting “life hacks,” cool little tips and tricks for making life easier and more manageable. Right now, the hacks are uncategorized — it’s just a dump list — but they plan on fixing that at some point. So far, a bunch of the tips are about shaving. Shaving? What self-respecting geek bothers to shave — and shares detailed tips on the practice? Holy Gopod, the next thing you know, they’ll be hacks on “manscaping” and matching your geek ultility belt to your sneakers.

It’s amazing how the “life hacks” meme has taken off. I actually coined the term “lifestyle plug-ins” years ago when I was whoring myself out doing Digital Living Today. It was supposed to be one of those goofy commercial taglines, but I kinda liked it. Still do. Although “life hacks” obviously has more geekly resonance.